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Choosing the Best Fish Oil

best fish oil
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Is Your Fish Oil Made in China? Part 1

A true story that might surprise you. Disclaimer: Our Legal Department asked me to leave out names of all people and corporations. (That should tell you something!) Regular readers know that I’ve been working with fish oil for over two decades. Before OmegaVia, I worked for a few large corporations that marketed fish oil. AndRead More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Omega-3 Handbook

The internet is full of information about fish oil and Omega-3. Very little of it is unbiased. Omega-3s are not simple. It’s complicated stuff. And there is so much to know! Who has time for that?! We live in a soundbite world where bits of knowledge need to fit on a bumper sticker. Anything moreRead More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Dr. Mehmet Oz and ‘Pharmaceutical Grade’ Fish Oil

Are ‘Pharmaceutical Grade’ Fish Oils just a gimmick? Recently, Dr. Mehmet Oz’ show featured a segment on fish oil. In the segment, guest, Dr. Tod Cooperman of, discussed various dietary supplements. In this bit, Dr. Cooperman mentioned that ‘Pharmaceutical grade Fish Oil‘ was a marketing gimmick and that such a thing does not exist.Read More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Understanding Fish Oil Labels

Guest blog by: Kathy Mankofsky, RD, LD. “Read the label,” you say, “how hard can that be?” Well actually, it can be very confusing. EVERYONE gets mixed up between the amount of FISH OIL and the amount of OMEGA-3 listed on the label. You might think you are taking 1000 mg of Omega-3 (which isRead More

fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Is FDA trying to ban your fish oil supplement?

The FDA just dropped a bombshell. And you need to know about this. Supplements that you take regularly may not be available much longer if FDA gets is way. They issued a document that described what the dietary supplement industry should do to meet their NEW DIETARY INGREDIENTS policy. The New Dietary Ingredients (NDI) isRead More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Q&A: Krill Oil Dosage; Triple Strength Fish Oil; Fish Oil plus Lipitor

Our Omega-3 Expert Answers Your Questions… Krill Oil Dosage Question: I have been taking 3000 mg of fish oil everyday. I would like to switch to krill oil and was wondering if I am supposed to take the same dosage as fish oil? Here are the dosages of both oils that I have: Fish oilRead More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Favorite Fish Oil Brands – Part 2

In Part 1, I discussed some of the selection criteria for becoming a ‘favorite fish oil brand.’ And we looked at some good quality liquid fish oils. But how ’bout pills? Well, here are the brands of fish oil pills we love. Prices checked on company websites during July 2011 and may be different now.Read More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Favorite Fish Oil Brands – Part 1

Fish Oil Brands That We Like & Recommend Joan called last week with a problem. Her husband, Mark, (no, he’s not the problem) is an OmegaVia customer and is very happy with the product. Encouraged by his results, Joan tried to swallow one of our pills. “I just can’t do it,” she complained. “I can’tRead More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Fish Oil and Hot Weather

Heat and fish oil don’t go well together Every year, in July and August, I get dozens of emails asking me if fish oil supplements will go bad if shipped in hot weather. The answer is: well, it depends. It depends on two things: How hot it is Whether your bottle of fish oil willRead More

pharmaceutical grade fish oil
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Why Ultra-concentrated Fish Oils are Better

Why ‘Triple Strength’ Fish Oil sounds great…but may not get you the benefits with the same number of pills are an Ultra-concentrated oil. What’s the most number of fish oil pills you’re willing to take? One pill a day? Two pills? Five? A dozen? Most people draw the line at 2 or 3 pills aRead More