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When They Have a Good Amount of Omega-3, Kids Thrive!

Doctors currently recommend Omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy and nursing because these nutrients are so critical for fetal and infant brain and eye development.* So right at the start, giving your kids a good supply of Omega-3s, particularly DHA, is critical.

But it doesn’t stop after babyhood . . .

With a diet high in Omega-3, kids flourish. Research shows that after infancy, Omega-3s continue to be critical for healthy development and growth . . .*

Reports Oxford University researcher Paul Montgomery, Ph. D., “Levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the blood significantly predicted a child’s behavior and ability to learn . . . Higher levels of Omega-3 in the blood, and DHA in particular, were associated with better reading and memory, as well as with fewer behavior problems as rated by parents and teachers.”1*

A total brain package for your child! And as if things couldn’t get any better, according to research, this behavioral support from Omega-3s may even help make bedtime easier!2*

Now isn’t that a parent’s dream?

Beyond children’s brains and behavioral health . . .

  • Omega-3s may help children keep their hearts healthy.3*
  • Another study tracked children for five years after they had Omega-3 supplements in infancy. The researchers found that at 5 years old, the children who had had extra Omega-3s had a healthier sensitivity to insulin and they were less likely to be overweight.4*

Clearly, when kids get enough Omega-3, kids thrive.

So now you may ask, how much Omega-3 does your child need? And how do I get it into them – especially if they’re finicky eaters!

  • Aim for 5 mg of DHA per pound of body weight for infants 6 to 24 months of age.*
  • Birth to 12 months: may take up to 500 mg per day of combined DHA and EPA.
  • Kids 1 to 3 may take up to 700 mg per day.
  • Kids 4 to 8 may take up to 900 mg per day.
  • Kids 9 to 13 may take up to 1200 mg per day.
  • Older teenagers may require as much as 1600 mg daily.

To get enough Omega-3s in your kiddos, the first thing we recommend is diet – grassfed meat and Omega-3 fortified milk; seafood especially sardines and wild-caught salmon; and pastured eggs. And cut down on Omega-6 foods like corn oil, soybean oil and foods with processed grains (flour) as much as possible.

To supplement, go for some of the kid-friendly flavored liquid Omega-3s or a chewable product. Be careful – both these products can go rancid easily thanks to the water content. But they are easier for many children to take. And use caution with gummies since many are basically glorified candy with lots of sugar and negligible amounts of Omega-3s.

Finally, if your children are older and comfortable swallowing pills, try our ultra-concentrated, highly purified Omega-3s.  Our DHA 600 provides kids with a complete dose of this critical brain-builder and our EPA 500 supports healthy inflammation and mood. Both come in smaller pill sizes that may be doable for older children.

Don’t try to cut these capsules open and add them to juice! They’ll make a mess. And the intense taste and odor of the concentrated fish oil – especially if it goes rancid after you open them and expose it to air – will make your child hate fish oil for life. Just go with a liquid or chewable version as recommended above.

“I was unfamiliar with your product but I was told by my doctor that I needed to give my daughter concentrated grade fish oil, so I tried your product after talking to you. I am happy to say that my daughter has not had any health issues since.”*

Christine Garcia Palmdale, California

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  1. Pederson, T. Omega-3 Strongly Linked To Behavior, Learning In Children. Psych Central Website. Viewed July 18, 2019 at
  2. Montgomery P et al. Fatty acids and sleep in UK children: subjective and pilot objective sleep results from the DOLAB study – a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Sleep Research. Mar 8, 2014. 23(4) 364-388.
  3. Baumann C, Rakowski U, Buchhorn R. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation Improves Heart Rate Variability in Obese Children. Int J Pediatr. 2018;2018:8789604. Published 2018 Feb 26. doi:10.1155/2018/8789604
  4. See VHL et al. Cardiometabolic Risk Factors at 5 Years After Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation in Infancy. Pediatrics. 2018 Jul;142(1). pii: e20162623.