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Fish Oil Research

NEW! DHA 600 Omega-3 Pills

Prenatal supplement…or brain health supplement?* Yes. OmegaVia DHA 600 is our newest product. You kept bugging us. Now here it is. What is it? It’s an ultra-pure DHA-only supplement made from Anchovy, Sardine, and Mackerel Each capsule has 600 mg of DHA Omega-3 The DHA is in the well-absorbed triglyceride (rTG) form Who should takeRead More

Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Why I Don’t Take Multivitamins

Multis are gateway supplements. They’re often the first step in people’s health enlightenment. Along with a gym membership, maybe. Or a pedometer. But there are a lot of people for whom a multivitamin is it. No other supplements, diet change or exercise. That’s all they’re willing to do. They couldn’t quit smoking, so they’ll takeRead More

how to choose the best vitamin K2
Heart Health

How to choose the right Vitamin K2 supplement

(…and why I stopped taking the most popular K2 supplement and formulated our own) We posted a couple of blogs about Vitamin K2 a few years ago. A lot’s happened with Vitamin K2 since then. This is an update. In that blog, we struggled to find a good product to recommend. That got me thinkingRead More

best krill oil
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Krill Oil Misinformation

Krill oil supplements are supposed to be protected from rancidity by the natural antioxidant astaxanthin…but astaxanthin is very sensitive and quickly degrades to almost nothing. This leaves krill oil exposed to oxidation and rancidity.Nutritional misinformation (intentional or not) is very common on the internet. Here are two examples, with a focus on krill oil. IRead More

gut friendly starches, paleo diet
Heart Health

Is Paleo diet right for you? Part 3: Gut-friendly starches – a secret weapon

There is a misperception that the Paleo diet is about gorging on meat. And avoiding all carbs. There is nothing wrong with eating a little meat, especially organ meats. As we saw in Part 2, animal fats are a rich source of Vitamins A and K2. But eating meat three times a day doesn’t makeRead More

paleo diet
Heart Health

Is Paleo diet right for you? Part 2: 3 Ways Ancestral Diets Can Make You Healthy

In Part 1, we discussed the universal fear cardiologists have for eggs and butter. Yet, traditional societies that do not avoid fat have low levels of obesity and poor heart health.* During the past 30 years, I’ve frequently traveled to remote corners of the world where traditional diets are the norm. Some rural Europeans eatRead More

heart health
Heart Health

Is Paleo diet right for you? Part 1: What Cardiologists Say

Paleo is all the rage. Should you join the bandwagon? Absolutely! But most cardiologists think it is nuts to warm up to eggs, butter or lard. Most people have several incorrect assumptions about the Paleo diet. It is almost always misinterpreted. Paleo should be an inspiration to eat and live in a simpler, cleaner, ancestralRead More

fish oil and prostate
Fish Oil Supplements

Why 12 Million People Stopped Taking Fish Oil: Two head-slapping events involving fish oil

Good news: even ultra-high doses of Omega-3 do not promote prostate cancer, says Europe’s top food safety agency. Yet, because of a study that said fish oil could cause prostate cancer, 12 million of you stopped taking fish oil…and for no good reason. The authors of that study have now published a new study thatRead More

fish oil burping
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Fish Oil Supplements and Fishy Burps

  ‘Your product said BURP-FREE! Yet I keep burping fish! You’re a bunch of liars!’ We’ve heard that once or twice. Fishy burps. It’s the #1 reason why people stop taking fish oil supplements. According to GOED, 1 in 5 adults get fishy burps 11% won’t take it because of fishy burps 32 million adultsRead More

Woman holding olive oil
Heart Health

What is in your Olive Oil?

We put a popular olive oil to test. In the last post, How to Reduce Omega-6, I suggested using olive oil instead of other vegetable seed oils. Coconut oil and butter are both lower in Omega-6 than olive oil, but for those still worried about saturated fats, olive oil is a great compromise. After all,Read More