Fish Oil Forms: EE vs TG – Part 2
In Part 1, we reviewed the scientific evidence of the difference in absorption between EE fish oil and its TG cousin. TG came out slightly ahead. But…are there any problems with TG fish oil? Let’s look at some facts: True TG fish oil is low in Omega-3, usually 20-30% Omega-3 or less. At that concentration,Read More

Fish Oil Forms: EE vs. TG Oils – Part 1
Is one better than the other? Or is it just nerdy hair-splitting? I’ve had a few questions in my inbox about the difference between different types of fish oils. No, I don’t mean Cod liver oil vs Salmon oil. We’re talking molecular structure of the Omega-3 fatty acids. We’ve talked quite a bit about theRead More
Is Your Fish Oil Made in China? Part 3
See Part 1 and Part 2. In Part 2, we talked about the likelihood of your Omega-3 supplement being made in China or containing Chinese fish oil. So what if it really was made in China? What’s the problem with ‘Made in China’? Well, the problem is that there is no permanent transparency in China.Read More
Is Your Fish Oil Made in China? Part 2
3 Ways to Tell! See Part 1 here. So what’s in your fish oil? Is it made with Chinese fish oil? And why does the bottle not say ‘Made in China’ if the fish oil pills were made in China? It’s easy for supplement companies to find loopholes in labeling rules. And most do. InRead More
Is Your Fish Oil Made in China? Part 1
A true story that might surprise you. Disclaimer: Our Legal Department asked me to leave out names of all people and corporations. (That should tell you something!) Regular readers know that I’ve been working with fish oil for over two decades. Before OmegaVia, I worked for a few large corporations that marketed fish oil. AndRead More
My Krill Oil Mistake
Why I returned my Krill Oil pills back to the store Guest blog by: Kathy Mankofsky, RD, LD. I was out at Walgreens when my husband called to say he heard that krill oil is so much better than fish oil. He said that I should buy krill oil instead of fish oil. I toldRead More
Omega-3 Handbook
The internet is full of information about fish oil and Omega-3. Very little of it is unbiased. Omega-3s are not simple. It’s complicated stuff. And there is so much to know! Who has time for that?! We live in a soundbite world where bits of knowledge need to fit on a bumper sticker. Anything moreRead More
Dr. Mehmet Oz and ‘Pharmaceutical Grade’ Fish Oil
Are ‘Pharmaceutical Grade’ Fish Oils just a gimmick? Recently, Dr. Mehmet Oz’ show featured a segment on fish oil. In the segment, guest, Dr. Tod Cooperman of ConsumerLab.com, discussed various dietary supplements. In this bit, Dr. Cooperman mentioned that ‘Pharmaceutical grade Fish Oil‘ was a marketing gimmick and that such a thing does not exist.Read More
Understanding Fish Oil Labels
Guest blog by: Kathy Mankofsky, RD, LD. “Read the label,” you say, “how hard can that be?” Well actually, it can be very confusing. EVERYONE gets mixed up between the amount of FISH OIL and the amount of OMEGA-3 listed on the label. You might think you are taking 1000 mg of Omega-3 (which isRead More
Krill Oil Value: A Cost Comparison
Is krill oil a good value? Short answer: absolutely not. See why below. [Pricing data accessed: September 25th, 2011. Krill oil used for comparison at Walmart and Walgreens was MegaRed brand krill oil, the #1 selling krill oil in the US.] Omega-3 from Krill is Better Absorbed In the last blog, we looked at krillRead More