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probiotic supplements

Why taking Probiotic Supplements may not solve all your gut issues

Probiotics are popular. People who don’t follow probiotic research are quick to dismiss these pills – they’d be making a mistake. Probiotics are POWERFUL! But taking these pills alone won’t fix all your gut issues. For that, you’ll also need to make other lifestyle changes. While playing in the backyard several years ago, my veryRead More

Fish Oil Safety

Omega-3s and Prostate Health*

This article is in response to this paper Journal of the National Cancer Institute’s 2013 study on fish oil and prostate health…* …and the wall-to-wall media coverage this received in 2013. What Pharmacists are Saying about Omega-3 Does fish oil cause prostate cancer? Subjects in this study were not given fish oil. So, no, youRead More

fish oil ethyl ester triglyceride
pharmaceutical grade fish oil

Fish Oil Ethyl Ester vs Triglyceride – Revisited

There is a lot of back-and-forth about fish oil types – triglyceride (TG) versus ethyl esters (EE). OmegaVia was highly concentrated ethyl ester form of fish oil. Since 2016, it in Triglyceride (rTG) form. I get emails about this almost daily. Is EE fish oil is really fish oil? Is there alcohol in it? WillRead More

EPA healthy inflammation
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Why OmegaVia is High in EPA Omega-3: Healthy Inflammation Response*

Why OmegaVia has so much more EPA than DHA. And why that’s important for your health. How much EPA or DHA your fish oil has matters. But it depends on what your age and health goals are – if you’re 25 and pregnant or 60 and achy. You need a high-DHA formula if you’re: pregnantRead More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Brenda Watson, Omega-3 and Vitamin D

I recently got five calls within a few hours, all with the same questions: Does your fish oil have 1000 mg Omega-3? Yes. Is your fish oil enteric coated? Yes. Is your fish oil tested by IFOS? Yes. Does your formula have Vitamin D? No, and it shouldn’t! I knew something was up. That somethingRead More

best fish oil supplement
Fish Oil Supplements

Is Fish Oil a Waste of Money?

Every couple of months, TV news trashes fish oil. Usually after a negative study is published. It happened again in Sep 2012 after this study said fish oil was virtually useless. “Fish oil doesn’t work!” “Fish oil is a waste of money!” “Fish oil doesn’t prevent heart attacks!” The general message about fish oil was:Read More

fish oil vs krill oil
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Why are Fish Oil Pills Bigger than Krill Oil Pills?

The word ‘horse’ comes up a lot when people talk to me about fish oil pills. As in, ‘These are HORSE PILLS! I can’t swallow them!‘ We know. I know. Fish oil pill size is a problem MegaRed and other krill oil pills wouldn’t be so popular if they were as big as fish oilRead More

enteric coated fish oil Omega-3
Heart Health

I Take Your Omega-3…But My Triglycerides Still Went Up!

“I take 3,000 mg of your Omega-3 and I’m eating a healthier diet…but my Triglycerides are up! What the heck?!” I get this question quite often. On the surface it makes no sense. Image: Hannah Chapman As a general rule, every 3000 mg of Omega-3 combined with a healthy diet and daily exercise may beRead More

enteric coating

Why Enteric Coating on Fish Oil Pills Fail

They usually don’t fail. But when they do… You’re popping too many antacids. You’re taking heartburn meds. OK, a little more detail… Good news: there’s usually nothing wrong with the fish oil pill Bad news: it’s usually because of what you ate I know, not what you wanted to hear. If you’ve been reading thisRead More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Fish Oil Forms: EE vs TG – Part 2

In Part 1, we reviewed the scientific evidence of the difference in absorption between EE fish oil and its TG cousin. TG came out slightly ahead. But…are there any problems with TG fish oil? Let’s look at some facts: True TG fish oil is low in Omega-3, usually 20-30% Omega-3 or less. At that concentration,Read More

  1. Kremer JM et al. Effects of manipulation of dietary fatty acids on clinical manifestations. Lancet 1985;1:184-187.
  2. Goldberg RJ et al. A meta-analysis of the analgesic effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation for (joints). Pain 2007;129:210-223.