Why Ultra-concentrated Fish Oils are Better
Why ‘Triple Strength’ Fish Oil sounds great…but may not get you the benefits with the same number of pills are an Ultra-concentrated oil. What’s the most number of fish oil pills you’re willing to take? One pill a day? Two pills? Five? A dozen? Most people draw the line at 2 or 3 pills aRead More

Magnesium: As Important as Omega-3?
What else should I be taking besides fish oil? This is a question posed to me almost daily. Magnesium Without knowing your diet, it’s hard to say, but I’m willing to bet that you’re borderline deficient in magnesium. Vitamin D3 And by the end of winter, if you’re not taking Vitamin D pills, I’d alsoRead More
Fish Oil: With Food or Empty Stomach?
Should you eat fish oil pills with meals or on an empty stomach? Which is better? Quick quiz: Which of these foods help increase fish oil absorption? Fat-free yogurt and glass of orange juice Breakfast cereal with skim milk Scrambled eggs and bacon Fruit cup with granola The answer is: scrambled eggs and bacon. Surprised?Read More
Fish Oil and Your Genes
“I was born this way.” “I can’t help it – it’s a genetic trait.” “You can’t outlive your genes.” We hear these phrases all the time. Sometimes they are excuses. And other times, they are real. But what if I told you that your genes are not as permanent as you thought they were. TakeRead More
3 Useful Health Tips From a Fish Oil Expert
Valuable Lessons About Omega-3 and fish consumption Dr. Bill Lands is one of my science heroes. And I had the pleasure of listening to him speak at this year’s Natural Foods Expo in Anaheim. Dr. Lands was Professor of Biochemistry at Univ. of Michigan and Univ of Illinois. He’s authored over 250 scientific papers andRead More
Fish Oil Emails and Questions
Over 25,000 people read this blog every month. So it shouldn’t surprise you that we occasionally get a hate mail or two. Why keep the good stuff just for me? So I’ll share some with you. But fish oil hate mail!? Can you believe it? Most of you are super nice, with comments like: ‘LoveRead More
Mercury & Fish: How Risky Is It?
‘It’s not what you say; it’s what people hear.’ Every politician knows this. But the FDA did not. And so fish-phobia started in 2004. Thank you, FDA. In 2004, FDA released an advisory that warned pregnant women to cut back on some types of fish. Read the whole advisory here. Even though the FDA’s heartRead More
New Omega-3 Options for Vegans
Vegans and Vegetarians Finally Have a Couple of Good Alternatives for Fish Oil Quite a few customers have called asking about vegan alternatives for fish oil. Before I give them options, I first must have the Flaxseed-oil-is-virtually-useless talk. People are usually disappointed and surprised that Flaxseed isn’t a substitute for fish oil. One pleasant fellowRead More
Fast Food & Fish Oil
How much Omega-3 you need depends on what you eat. Ideally, you need equal parts Omega-3 to Omega-6. OK – that’s easier said than done. How does this translate to real life? Let’s go back to my college days when I ate what was nearest to me. It wasn’t unusual for me (or the kidsRead More
American Heart Association Comes Clean…Sort Of.
AHA and Your Heart. A Case of Fox Watching the Hen House? Normal people dream about winning the lottery. Or kissing movie stars. My dreams tend to be geekier. I dreamt about the American Heart Association the other night. Guess that’s why I write articles about fish oil for a living. Anyway, in my dream,Read More