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vegan fish oil omega-3
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish Oil Grows on Trees!

New SDA soybean oil has Omega-3 normally found in fish oil. Is it OK to eat? I spend more time than I ought to, reading science journal and websites. And I came across this headline: Fishy Fat from Soy Headed to US Dinner Plates. Turns out that scientists (mad?) genetically engineered soybeans. Again. They mixedRead More

best fish oil supplement
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

IFOS Approved Fish Oil – Part 2

In Part 1, I talked about why IFOS Approved Fish Oil is so great. Here, I want to talk about some things IFOS could, well, aspire to. The IFOS 5-star rating is used for what they call ‘Ultra-refined’ fish oil. In their opinion, anything above 60% Omega-3 is Ultra-refined. Sounds like a 10 year oldRead More

best fish oil supplement
Fish Oil Safety

IFOS Approved Fish Oil – Part I

What is IFOS? And Should You Care? IFOS stands for International Fish Oil Standards. And yes, you definitely should care! IFOS testing program is administered by NutraSource Diagnostics at the University of Guelph in Canada. IFOS is the third party testing that everyone keeps asking me about. Thanks to IFOS, you don’t have to believeRead More

vegan omega-3
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Vegetarian Fish Oil?

Dale didn’t want to take fish oil pills any more. He’d given up meat, poultry and seafood. And so he no longer could take fish oil pills under his self-imposed new rules. “I have high triglycerides…so what do I take instead of fish oil?” he asked. This was a loaded question. I could give himRead More

fish oil freezer test
Choosing the Best Fish Oil

Fish Oil Freezer Test

Every year, I spend the second weekend of march at the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, California. It marks the arrival of spring. And I get to see people I’ve known for 20 plus years. Hundreds of natural and organic foods manufacturers and supplement companies exhibit their products. If you can elbow you way pastRead More

cod liver oil
cod liver oil

Cod Liver Oil – 3 Reasons to Avoid It And the rise of Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO)

In early 2010, an environmental group sued several fish oil manufacturers for selling polluted fish oil. All the major TV news channels covered the stink. Every single channel re-worded the plaintiff’s press release without digging deeper. The late Paul Harvey would have dug deeper for ‘The rest of the story.‘ The products named in theRead More

fish oil omega-3 eye health
Eye Health

Fish Oil & Eye Health

We often hear that fish oil is good for this. Or that. But we still don’t know a lot about HOW the Omega-3 in fish oil actually makes these health benefits happen. Sure, we know for certain that Omega-3 combined with a healthy diet and exercise plan can help maintain healthy triglycerides.* But what aboutRead More

fish oil omega-3 eye health
Fish Oil Sustainability

Can We Run Out Of Fish Oil?

Is it possible? Can we run out of fish? Well, this year, the fishing captains of the fish oil industry could only catch 25% as much fish as last year. With booming demand from fish oil supplements and animal feed, the demand for fish oil is greater than ever. So with only a quarter of theRead More

fish oil triglyceride
Heart Health

Foods That Sabotage Your Triglyceride Reduction – Part II

In Part 1, we talked about how sugar derails your plans to reduce triglycerides. Sugary stuff – drinks, snacks and fruit juices are the top causes for high triglycerides. Average annual soda consumption in America is more than 40 gallons We drink almost a gallon of soda every week. Trivia: Who drinks the most soda?Read More

fish oil triglyceride
Heart Health

Foods That Sabotage Your Triglyceride Reduction – Part I

There are ingredient in your food that could increase your triglyceride without you knowing… Just like double-crossing spies in movies, there are foods on your plate that wreck your plans to reduce triglycerides. Yes, there are spies on your plate. Do you know which foods contain them? If you’ve purchased OmegaVia, you know that weRead More