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liquid fish oil omega-3
Eye Health

Liquid Fish Oil

Should you buy liquid fish oil? You know, the ooey gooey kind you gulp down with a teaspoon (or tablespoon if you’re brave.) If you were cornered as a child by a parent wielding a teaspoon of cod liver oil, this will bring back traumatic memories. May be the liquid fish oil tasted nasty andRead More

Omega-3 vs Omega-6
Eye Health

Omega-3 vs Omega-6

Lyon Diet Heart Study Why was this 4-year study suddenly paused after just 1 year? French scientists gathered 600 people who’d had heart attacks. Half of them were put on a ‘Mediterranean Diet’ low in Omega-6 and high in Omega-3. (Experimental Group) And the other half was put on a ‘prudent’ diet with no dietaryRead More

fish oil weight loss
Eye Health

Fish Oil Weight Loss: Part 2

Who doesn’t love a rat story? I still watch ‘Ratatouille’ every time I see it on TV. So what do rats have to do with Fish Oil Weight Loss? This rat story is a little bit spookier. Fish Oil and Weight Loss: Study #1 Scientists fed rats a typical American diet. And waited to seeRead More

fish oil label
Eye Health

Slimy Things Fish Oil Marketers Do

There are a lot of fish oil brands duking it out. But sometimes, competition brings out the weasel is fish oil marketers. Experts and smart shoppers are on to these weasels. But people just starting to take fish oil pills often get suckered. One of the most common slimy things is label puffery – makingRead More

Omega-3 eggs
Eye Health

Omega 3 Foods: Eggs

If you’re trying to eat more Omega-3, there are a couple of things you can do: Eat more seafood like salmon, sardines, mackerel etc. Take Omega-3 supplements If you don’t like seafood or don’t like popping pills, then you’re left with only one choice: eating Omega-3 foods – foods that are naturally rich in Omega-3Read More

Eye Health

Omega 3 6 9: Why it’s not Better?

You already know about Omega-3 if you’re reading this. But you’ve also heard a little bit about Omega-6 and Omega-9. They’re supposed to be good for you. Omega-3 is essential for survival. Omega-6 is also essential for survival. Omega-9 is NOT essential. You DO NOT need to eat Omega-9 fatty acids. Period. If anyone tellsRead More

krill oil vs fish oil
Eye Health

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil

Is Krill oil better than Fish oil? Yes. BUT!! (You knew there was going to be a ‘but’…I’ll explain below.) It’s all about Omega-3 absorption when you’re comparing Krill oil vs Fish Oil. The Omega-3 in Krill oil is better absorbed into your body than the Omega-3 from regular fish oil. That’s a fact. ThereRead More

fish oil benefits
Eye Health

6 Surprising Benefits of Fish Oil

Yes, it’s good for your heart.  But you already knew that. But did you know that there are other PROVEN benefits of fish oil? Before we get into the benefits of fish oil, it is really important to remember that it’s not the fish oil that counts…it’s the amount of Omega-3 in the fish oilRead More

epa dha omega3
Eye Health

EPA and DHA Omega-3

EPA and DHA are two types of Omega-3 fats. Your body MUST HAVE them to survive. That’s why they’re called Essential Fatty Acids. EPA stands for Eicosapentaenoic Acid. DHA stands for Docosahexaenoic Acid. But for now we’ll just call them EPA DHA. EPA DHA Omega-3 fats can only be obtained from the foods that youRead More

fish oil triglyceride
Eye Health

Fish Oil and Triglycerides*

Triglycerides are fats in your blood. Just like cholesterol. A little bit of triglycerides is normal. But if it gets too high, it’s a red flag for heart health. Omega-3 in fish oil helps maintain healthy triglyceride levels when combined with a healthy diet and daily exercise plan.* Clinical research suggests the omega-3 dosage neededRead More